Tips for Lawn Maintenance

Mowing can be a huge chore if you have a large lawn. Even if you have a small lawn, it can be a chore your dread. It is something that you have to do and something that you can’t put off doing. If you are looking to keep your yard looking nice, but not wanting to spend all day making sure it stays that way, then you need to learn a little about how to have a beautiful lawn with minimal work.

Green lawns make a house look wonderful. A green lawn says the homeowner cares about their home and that they work hard to keep it looking great. The fact is, though, that many people work too hard at keeping that lawn perfect when there are some simple ways they can do it.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is to cut the grass the wrong height. Some people cut it very low because then they do not have to cut it so often. The problem with cutting it too low is that the grass is easily scorched by the sun and the result is brown spots. That brings up the other issue - some people leave their grass high to help keep it green, but that results in the need for mowing more often. Mowing too much is also bad for the grass. It compacts the soil and cause the grass to die resulting in brown spots. So, when you cut your grass you should cut it one third of its height. This will keep mowing to a regular schedule and keep it healthy.

Another common mistake people make is collecting the clippings after they mow. The fact is that if the grass cuttings are not too long they actually help the grass grow healthy. They help to fertilize the lawn, which also means you do not have to do as much work fertilizing your lawn. If you cut your grass to the recommended height you can leave the clippings and help your grass grow strong.

These two big mistakes alone will save you plenty of time on lawn work. You will find yourself mowing less often, not working as hard and with a beautiful, green lawn to show off. In the case of grass, less work is actually better.